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Types of Table Lamps

There are many different types of table lamps available for you to choose from. They differ in size, type of bulb, height, design, color and more. We’ve listed the most common types of table lamps. Tiffany Style – Tiffany lamps are works of art. A true Tiffany lamp is going to be an investment but there are many tiffany style lamps available that utilize the same type of construction but are much lower in price. Tiffany style lamps can vary significantly in color and design. The light from the lamp filters through the glass shade and can create quite a few different looks.

Glass/Crystal – Glass or crystal table lamps also provide plenty of light to the area they are placed in and most will have some amount of filtering through the body of the lamp simply due to the design of the lamp. They can be simply designed or very intricate depending on your preferences. Glass and crystal lamps come in all sizes and designs, from etched glass to intricate cut crystal designs.

Wrought Iron/Metal – There is some beautiful, sculpture like table lamps that are made out of wrought iron. It goes well with a country style theme or some other type of design that utilizes a lot of iron and more dramatic styling. Stainless steel is another metal that is common, especially when it comes to more modern designs. It is sleep, simple and still functional and stylish as well.

Wood – Many table lamps are made of wood in various forms. Wood bases are simple and go with many different design types. They can also be intricate and carved masterpieces as well, depending on what you are looking for. There is a lot of variety that can go into a wood table lamp design. Other Considerations Light Source – Depending on the type of table lamp you purchase, you may need to get a certain type of bulb or certain wattage as well. This will be listed on the lamp that you choose. Some allow incandescent to be switched out with environmentally conscious designs like CFLs and others will have to be more specific. The information on which type of light source to use will be on your lamp’s description and/or packaging. Style – Table lamps will be the center of attention in most cases. Take the time to choose the right one for the room you are placing it into, including colors, designs, shapes, and other factors to make it something that stands out in a classy way not something where people are wondering why you have that lamp in the room. More at Table Lamp3

UpKeep – You will want to keep up with the maintenance of your table lamp, mainly cleaning. Make sure that you read the instructions on how to keep the lamp clean and how to clean it if it does need it. Never immerse a lamp in water. More at Conclusion Choosing the right table lamp for your room or rooms takes a little bit of planning and research but there are some beautiful styles and themes available that can make a real statement in the rooms you are decorating. With so many styles to choose from, you will be able to really show your own personality and find table lamps that compliment each room you are placing them into. With all of these choices available, you will be able to have fun searching and will know the important factors to look for.

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